A Cree word kab-tep-was means "the river that calls." A legend tells of a Cree man who was paddling his canoe on the way to his wedding. He heard his name called out. It was the voice of his bride who was still many days travel away. He answered, "Who calls?" A spirit echoed, "Who calls?" He then hurried home only to find out that his bride had died. The last words she spoke were his name. The French settlers who came to Saskatchewan named the river Qu’Appelle, meaning "who calls?" 

Remember the Purple/Bluish Water 

Well, here is more information about it

The Water Security Agency and the University of Regina collaborated to understand the cause of this event.  The cause was determined to be from an algal bloom that was frozen in ice during the fall of 2020 followed by the release of a blue coloured photosynthetic pigment from the algae in the spring of 2021.  Effectively, the pigment was preserved over winter and dissolved in water during early spring.  The pigment released is non-toxic and does not impact aquatic life. 

Haig et al 2021. Blue discoloration of late winter ice due to an autumn cyanobacterial bloom.pdf

Our first of the Winter Series Articles - November 2021

Wetlands and drought Oct 2021.docx.pdf
Blue Green Algae Article April 2021.pdf

Want to know why our lakes are green?  Listen to Dr. Peter Levitt explain.

New Recording 26.m4a

Do we need a Wetland Policy?

Did you know that in December 2018 the City of Regina completed their upgrades to the Wastewater Treatment Plant?  

This upgrade was required to meet the Province of Saskatchewan's higher effluent requirements and to accommodate future growth.

The new facility now meets higher effluent quality requirements specifically regarding the reduction of nutrients that can cause damage to water bodies thus improving conditions for aquatic life.

The new treatment solutions will also reduce nutrients that can damage the environment from re-entering the river, helping to improve conditions for aquatic life in the Wascana Creek and Qu'Appelle River system.

Below you will find our fourth article on "We have a Nutrient Problem" 

To view the Lower Qu'Appelle Watersheds Stewards Inc. Report

Qu'Appelle Watershed Land Use and Water Quality Report

There are numerous benefits to decommissioning abandoned wells on your property and is an important action to protect the ground water resources below the property. The vital importance of proper well management can not be stressed enough. The safety of your family, the integrity of Ground Water sources and the future success of your farming operation could be in jeopardy unless proper steps are taken.  

It is important to stress that water quality may change over time, and therefore one should not rely on past analysis. Water testing should be done routinely, preferably every year, or at least every 2 years under normal circumstances, whereas any unusual situation such as changes in water smell, clarity, taste, or changes in animals eating or drinking habits, loss of performance, or health problems should immediately trigger the need for water testing. 

Source Water Protection - Rapid Risk Assessment

A high-quality source of water with a sufficient capacity is necessary for all communities.  Communities will struggle to access enough quality water to meet their needs.  For many communities, their water requirements will only increase in coming years.

Source water protection planning is an essential activity which will allow communities to plan actions to ensure that enough quality water is available for all communities to meet their current and future needs.

LQWS has undertaken a Rapid Risk Assessment of 41 communities within our watershed.  

Rapid Risk Assessments were undertaken using methods outlined by the Water Security Agency.  All data is compiled into a supplied framework that calculated and systematically displayed the associated risks of each specific water source.

LQWS will identify the communities by highest risk and will work with members that are willing to participate in a Source Water Protection Plan.

The Lower Qu’Appelle Watershed Stewards Inc. (LQWS) is located in southeastern part of Saskatchewan and covers an approximate area of 17,800 square kilometres.  Forming the lower or downstream half of the Qu’Appelle River Basin, the Lower Qu’Appelle River Watershed begins near the Town of Craven to the Manitoba Border.

The most distinctive characteristic of the Lower Qu’Appelle River Watershed is the Qu’Appelle River Valley.  The valley originated as a glacial spillway and runs the entire length of the watershed.  The Qu’Appelle Valley has a relatively flat bottom with steep side slopes and varies from 1.6 to 3.2 kilometres in width.  Our Qu’Appelle River is confined to the Qu’Appelle Valley and flows through six major lakes.  From west to east these lakes include Pasqua, Echo, Mission, Katepwa, Crooked and Round Lakes.  Major tributaries to the Qu’Appelle River are Loon, Jumping Deer, Pheasant and Kapsovar Creeks. Lesser tributaries include the Pearl, Indianhead, Redfox, Ekapo, Cutarm and Scissor Creeks.  

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